Together, these two initiatives are driving positive change on multiple fronts, proving that style, sustainability, and social justice can go hand in hand to make the world a better place.

Meet Our Team

Save The Planet With Style!" Is A Dynamic Initiative That Combines Fashion And Sustainability Through The Innovative Brand EcoVVear. This Team Is On A Mission To Raise Awareness About Environmental Issues While Promoting Stylish And Eco-Friendly Clothing Options.​

Dr. Amarjit Singh Marwa

Dr. Amarjit Singh Marwa

Malibu Estate Owner
Mini Dhingra Guleria

Mini Dhingra Guleria

Ayurvedic Wisdom, Associate Producer, EcoKnowMix
Attorny Rajish K. Jose

Attorny Rajish K. Jose

Attorney At Law, Managing Partner
Delon O'Neil Ceo

Delon O'Neil Ceo

Ebonix Productions, LLC, Associate Producer, Graphics
Shashi Abraham

Shashi Abraham

Managing Partner
Donna L. Rentz Ceo

Donna L. Rentz Ceo

Sisters In Motion, Inc. Associate Producer, Content Creator.
Ken DJ Khaos Padgett Ceo

Ken DJ Khaos Padgett Ceo

KA Padgett Ventures Associate Producer, Technical, EcoKnowMix
 C J Gilbert

C J Gilbert

Gilbert Studios Webmaster, EcknowMix
Mariya Milovidova Ceo

Mariya Milovidova Ceo

MM Art & Fashion Associate Producer, Fashion - EcoKnowMix
Yeshua Patino

Yeshua Patino

IKY Graffiti Director Of Graphic Design, EcoKnowMix
Vedhant Gurung

Vedhant Gurung

Graphic Designer, Webmaster & Technical Advisor

Join our success team and be a part of something incredible!

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